The Mountaintop Experience Only Lasts a Little While

Posted by Paula McDonald

The Mountaintop Experience Only Lasts a Little While



We all have most likely experienced one of those fantastic mountaintop experiences.  You know, where you have achieved a great moment in life or accomplished something really big!  Those are great moments indeed to stand on top of the mountain and take it all in!


What I find interesting is that with these experiences as great as they are, we just have to come down off at that mountain at some point!  The air is thinner and the euphoric feelings are just not sustainable.  Eventually you must begin the descent back down to reality.


So while the mountaintop experiences are wonderful, the reality of everyday life is there.  But what about those low times in life?  Those times in life when you find yourself in a deep valley?  Perhaps you have lost a loved one, facing a grave illness, faced a tough situation with a child or family member?  


These valleys in life can be times of rich rewards if you can allow yourself to learn from them.  What is interesting is that fruit is not grown on top of mountains but rather down in the valleys.  What a huge lesson this is.  The valley may be darker but soil is fertile and rich.


I know that personally I have learned more from my valley moments for sure!  Moments of great reflection, thought and prayer!  The valley is truly where I have grown my fruit and blossomed in my experiences.


The next time you find yourself in the valley just remember to seek out the lessons even if they are difficult to see.  The valley does not have to be a pit of despair but can be a place of quiet repose and rich learning!  Our mountaintops are exciting but don't forget that the valleys can be important as well.


Allow yourselves to soak in the splendor of a mountaintop while also learning to dwell and respect the valleys!

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Copyright 2015 Paula McDonald

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