Green Living Vs. Healthy Living

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Have you ever thought about the difference between green living and healthy living people? Some may think of them as being hand-in-hand. Sort of partners that overlap often and are not really separated. Though I was brought up in a home in the 1970s and 80s with a mom that bought wheat bread and 2% milk before it was fashionable though in most households there was not really "green living" or a movement where we lived. My mom was always trying to be a forward thinker, whether it was food, safety, or many other things. My sister that was born in May of 1981 was always in a car seat and we always wore seat belts, even before it was the law here in the great state of Texas.
So, as I raise my children, teenagers now, it is my duty to continue this great movement. Right? We have been recylcing curbside since they have had it in Houston. We even tried doing it before it was curbside but we were not very successful. Some of the overlap between green living and healthy living would possibly be shopping at a local farmers market that stock locally grown items. This is good for your body and for the environment. Our household has not made it this far in the "movement" toward Green and Healthy living. There is whole wheat bread, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and 2% milk in my kitchen. In many ways my mom succeeded in living healthy much better than we have. Though once when my children were small they were served pb&j on white bread for lunch at a friend's house and they refused to eat it because it "tasted funny." Can you imagine? Coaxing my children to please eat the white bread. It was awkward at first but it is such a funny story to tell!

A Green Building may not have anything to with "healthy" in most cases, though there are buildings with gardens on the roof. There has to be more examples of other green living examples that would also be healthy living examples. Can you name any? 

My thoughts have wandered from personal experience, then and now, to factual examples. Please forgive me. This is all brought about because my teenage daughter has decided we need to quit buying bottled water. Though we recycle all of them, really, ALL of them. She continues to tell me how it is still not good for the environment. In the real estate industry in Houston it is really hard to show homes most of the year without a cold refreshment readily available after the second or third home. Any suggestions? My immediate answer was that we would stop drinking the bottled water in the house.

So I end with this: Do you know many people that are living green but are not living healthy or are living healthy but are not living green? That is the question!

Categories: Green LivingGeneralHouston Living
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