Simple Ideas To Save Water

As Texas laws require water suppliers to get their water from surface locations (lakes), the availability of cheap water is quickly going away.  Some thing you can do to save water and lower your monthly water bill now and into the future.

  1. Install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerator.
  2. Check your toilets for leaks.  Add a drop of food color to the tank.  If it goes into the bowl, you have a leak.  Try to install low-flush tanks during a bath remodel.
  3. Take showers VS baths.  Saving 5 to 50 gallons of water.
  4. Fix leaking faucets.  Saving up to 8 gallons a day.
  5. Turn off faucet while brushing your teeth.  Turn on only when your rinse.
  6. Water lawns before sunrise and the burn off of moisture. 
  7. Don’t over water.  Turn off sprinkler system during wet weather.
  8. Raise mower blades.  Taller grass creates shade and keeps in moisture.
  9. Try to use native plants and grasses that require less irrigation.
  10. A commercial car wash of your car VS hand wash saves up to 40 gallons per wash.

Try to do all of these steps and you not only can save the environment, you can save a little hard-earned money with the waters bills come in.

For more information, please visit

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