Is your House in Distress?

Posted by Gregory Sanders

Who do you know that owns a house? You? A Friend or family member? How about a co-worker?

Lots of people own houses. But do you know someone that is just having problems keeping up with the house repairs?  Maybe you don't have the money to do the fixup yourself or have it done by a professional? Why not trade in that house for a newer model?

Yep, maybe it's time for a trade-in. Sell your house and buy a newer house with a home warranty. It can be done and just might make your life easier to manage and free up your time to do the things that you want to do.

It doesn't matter what condition your house is in, I have the means to help you sell it, and get the most for your money. That's known as pricing it right. But don't be fooled by the Realtor that says "they have a buyer". If you don't think you are getting the best deal, don't do it. Many times sellers have "sellers remorse". Just like buyers have with buyers remorse. Maybe they should have taken another deal, maybe they should have waited longer. Without being well informed and educated about your situation, your Realtor has not worked for you the way they should have.

Call me today and let's talk. No high pressure sales, just talking. I want you to know the truth about your house.

832-444-4433 Call me now and we can schedule to meet..

And PLEASE, refer me to your friends, family and co-workers.

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