Blue Bird Real Estate 2018

Big things are coming in 2018 Blue Bird Real Estate.


Bluebirds are traditionally viewed as symbols of hope and happiness. It’s not hard to understand why. You can’t deny it; bluebirds are exquisitely beautiful. Those iridescent blue colors are surpassed only by sound. The bluebird’s song is at once lilting and mellifluous —a gentle warble that exudes a sense of peace and tranquility to all who hear it. Bluebirds shun forests, preferring open country, orchards, roadside trees and cut-over woodlands with tree cavities for nesting. Should they take up residence on your property, be assured these beautiful birds are not free-loaders. Whether as seasonal guests or permanent residents on your land, bluebirds pay their rent in kind. Males, females and young alike devour masses of insects, assisting in the control of these pests. Ideal parents, the birds raise their young with tender devotion and abiding care. Both male and female share in parental duties. Perhaps most disarmingly of all, bluebirds form friendly, trusting bonds with the people who monitor their nests or provide for their needs.

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