2017 - The Year of Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey

We just finished our 14th year and with the flooding of Hurricane Harvey, it hit our markets hard. 

A house in the exclusive River Oaks neighborhood was being prepared to go onto the market. I measured it for a SMARTePLAN and Amenities Text on Wednesday ---- and by Friday (2 days later), major portions of it were underwater. By the following Monday I was able to give to the listing agent the completed materials.

In that particular case, the SMARTePLAN floor plan and very detailed Amenities Text description was a boon to the home owner --- who was able to use them to document their losses for their insurance company.

A professionally created and detailed property description, inventory of features and floor plan with high quality photos created by an independent third party (me!) helps tremendously when filing an insurance claim for a high value flooded residence.

In fact that was one area where SMARTePLANS was able to be helpful to quite a few home owners. By making the archived SMARTePLAN materials available to agents who had last sold the home (in some cases some 3-5 years previous) they were able to knock on the door and tell the beleaguered owner … I have some paperwork here that may help you file your claim.  You think that agent became their friend for life?  You think?

We're more than "just" a floor plan company and are always on the lookout of how we can help in the community --- in the case of Hurricane Harvey ... we were able to be a good neighbor.

Thanks for Stopping By,

Judith, The SMARTePLAN Lady

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