$63.8 M Sold with SMARTePLANS in 2017

The end-of-the year figures are in and $ 63.8 million dollars worth of property was sold using SMARTePLANs in 2017,  our highest year ever.

And strange, too .. while the listing season was cut short with the destruction Hurricane Harvey brought in August … it put the selling season into overdrive. Luxury homes (truly) flew off the shelf … 15 of the properties sold with SMARTePLANs last year were over $2 million dollars and the top of that list was an $ 8 million dollar property.  [Read the End-of-the-Year Report]

The SMARTePLAN visuals helped fuel the buying market well past Harvey’s departure.  So while there were few new listings coming onto the market to be “smarteplanned” .. the ones with SMARTePLANs were selling like proverbial hotcakes … as the online materials allowed prospective buyers to easily “see” the property in great detail and be very comfortable arriving at a buying decision — even while access roads all around some of those properties were still either impassable or piled high with debris from neighboring properties that were damaged by Harvey.

I’m starting 2018 with only 4 smarteplanned homes in inventory (15-ish is the usual amount) ranging in price from $2.9M to $8.7M  — so I’m looking forward to a robust 2018 listing season as new properties come onto the market for sale.

Wishing everyone a prosperous 2018 and if you’d like the patented SMARTePLAN system to work for you  — give us a call!

Thanks for Stopping By,

Judith, The SMARTePLAN Lady

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