Does the Peacock Convey With the House?

Recently I was on a large property just off Memorial Drive getting my measurements for this home soon to be going onto MLS --- and as soon as I got out of my car, a peacock started screaming at me.  They have a distinctly loud and alarming type call.  Later, when speaking with the owner I (jokingly) asked her if the peacock conveyed with the house? And she said that there is a brood of about 15-20 peacocks that randomly stroll all about the neighborhood.  I laughed and said I hear they are good watchdogs as they will immediately call out in alarm if strangers come onto the property.  She rolled her eyes and chuckled as she said, ".... or the mailman, or the pool man, or the poor pizza delivery guy"... and we laughed.   She's lived there more than 20 years and just loves them.  I was able to get an up-close look at one later that afternoon and he was just stunning.

Native to India, Babylonia and Persia the peacock is often seen as a guardian to royalty ... King Solomon kept them on his palace grounds ... and now if you're contemplating purchasing a home in the Memorial Drive area -- you may have them on your grounds, too!

Thanks for Stopping By,

Judith, The SMARTePLAN Lady


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