Seller's struggle with price adjustment decisions.  Knowing when to do so and how much is what your REALTOR® can help you decide.  Keeping an eye on the absorption rate, that is the rate at which properties are selling based on the availability of properties, as well as the prices at which those properties sell for are the two key components.  Your REALTOR® will assist you with gathering the data and to decipher it and ultimately to determine if it warrants a price adjustment.  NOT making a price adjustment can cost you showings and interest can wane quickly for an overpriced property.  Buyer's like to see that Seller's are willing to negotiate and a price adjustment can bring attention to your property and give it a refresh in the marketplace!  Seller's often fall into the trap of thinking that they are undercutting the value of their property, however, the definition of market value is "where a Buyer and Seller meet" when negotiating a price.  Don't miss an opportunity to "refresh" your listing and stay current with your pricing to shorten market time and get the attention of Buyers in you market!

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